Blue Economy Caribbean 2019

JW Marriott Marquis
  Miami  Florida
255 Biscayne Blvd Way, Miami, FL 33131

Blue Economy Caribbean was launched in 2018 as a call for the region to prioritize coastal and marine economies that are sustainable, scalable, inclusive, and environmentally sound. Since then, interest has only intensified, with new finance tools and marine technologies poised to transform economies region-wide.

Co-hosted by the Caribbean Development Bank and New Energy Events, Blue Economy Caribbean 2019 will be a hub for this transformative market, bringing multilaterals and funders to island stakeholders and solutions providers, getting governments to the table for discussions about policy and next steps, introducing new technologies that can be implemented now, and highlighting successful projects we can learn from and replicate. BEC 2019 is more than a conference—it is an accelerator of action.

Join government officials exploring ways to encourage investment in Blue Economy projects; multilaterals seeking public-private partnerships and supports to foster development in the region; private sector enterprise finding the markets that make the most sense for their solutions. BEC 2019 brings together all stakeholders to answer critical next-step questions:

  • What has changed in the market since 2018, and how do those changes translate to solutions?

  • What do we know now that we didn’t a year ago?

  • How can we speed up the implementation of projects and policy?

This emerging market will, by necessity, grow. Be there for the region’s only annual Blue Economy event, as we make what happens next.


  • Dr. Justin Ram

    Caribbean Development Bank
    Director of Economics

  • Monica La Bennett

    Vice President, Operations

  • Dr. Lorna Inniss

    United Nations - Caribbean Environment Program
    Principal Coordination Officer

  • Joseph Williams

    Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)
    Head (ag.), Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Unit

  • Joachim Schmillen

    Centre for Blue Economy and Innovation | Caribbean Maritime University
    Executive Director | Vice President, Global Affairs

  • Gail Hurley

    UNDP | Development Initiatives | Global Ethical Finance Initiative
    Advisor | Fellow | Associate

  • Darryl White

    RBC Financial Caribbean Limited

  • Poorvi Kunzru

    JPMorgan Chase Corporate and Investment Bank, Public Sector Group
    Vice President

  • Dr. Angus Friday
    Dr. Angus Friday

    Caribbean Climate Smart Accelerator | Atlantean BioSphere Program
    Blue Advisor | Executive Chairman

  • Nicole Leotaud
    Nicole Leotaud

    Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI)
    Executive Director

  • Patricia Francis

    UN Women
    Special Advisor

  • Christopher Milley

    Nexus Coastal Resource Management


JW Marriott Marquis

JW Marriott Marquis

255 Biscayne Blvd Way
