11th Geothermal Congress for Latin America & the Caribbean
Co-hosted by The World Bank and ESMAP, GEOLAC will gather the market to shake out the critical issues and work through the hurdles facing the Latin American and Caribbean geothermal market.
Co-hosted by The World Bank and ESMAP, GEOLAC will gather the market to shake out the critical issues and work through the hurdles facing the Latin American and Caribbean geothermal market.
First-movers, innovative leaders, and strategic risk-takers will be at the forefront of advancing geothermal energy from pilot projects to full-sca...
The 10th Geothermal Congress for Latin America and the Caribbean (GEOLAC 2023) took place in Cartagena, Colombia on November 28-29.
Is geothermal energy getting the attention it deserves in Latin America? As we warm-up for the 10th Geothermal Congress for Latin America and the C...
Chile’s Ministry of Energy granted two geothermal exploration licenses to Transmark Chile SpA, expanding the country’s geothermal development.…
Colombia’s new framework will enhance geothermal energy development by implementing a competitive process for awarding exploration and…
The Nevis Island Administration announced progress on its Geothermal Energy Project, with Premier Mark Brantley confirming a new bidding process for…
The GEOBUILD initiative, in collaboration with the FRENZ program, is launching a six-month evaluation of skills and training needed for geothermal…