Renewables in Focus: is the Stage Set for a Renewables Boom in Cuba?
Renovables en la mira: ¿Se ha creado el marco adecuado para un boom de la energía renovable en Cuba?
• How achievable is Cuba’s renewables mandate (24% by 2030 introduced in 2014)? Where are we now and what needs to be done to hit this target?
• What is in the pipeline of 13 wind farm projects announced by the Ministry of Energy and Mines in mid-2015?
• Who is the targeted investor base and how are they expected to participate?
• How will these projects be financed (seven slated to received direct investment)?
Ministry of Energy & Mines, Republic of Cuba Director of Renewable Energy
National Investment Priority: Co-Generation and the Cuban Sugar Industry
Prioridad nacional de inversión: La co-generación y la industria azucarera cubana
The Cuban sugar industry currently accounts for 3.5 % of national generation. It is anticipated that the proposed modernization of existing cogeneration facilities (56 biomass plants) will provide an additional 755 MW to the grid. Ultimately biomass will represent 14% of generation in 2030. Hosted by AZCUBA , this session will explore a roadmap for international investment in the transformation of Cuban energy matrix.
AZCUBA/Grupo Azucarero (Cuba Sugar Industry) Director of Power Generation
Networking Luncheon
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Biomass: Opportunities for Investment in Non-Sugar Derived Biomass
Biomasa: Oportunidades para la inversión en biomasa no derivada del azúcar
This session, which will pivot around a presentation of Project Biomas-Cuba, will explore the considerable additional opportunities for investment in biomass beyond the sugar industry.
The International Investors Session – Co-Hosted with The Aspen Institute
Sesión para inversores internacionales, con la colaboración de The Aspen Institute
Co-hosted by The Aspen Institute, this session will explore international perspectives on engaging in Cuba’s energy sector. Specifically, panelists will explore how Cuba should anticipate the market, and what infrastructure and policy challenges are coming down the pipe as Cuba expands its renewable energy and zero emissions portfolio up to and beyond the initial 6-15% threshold capacity.
Renewable Energy Sources Investment Company (EDIFRE) Director
Networking Coffee Break
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International Joint Venture Case-Study: Biopower S.A.
Estudio de caso de una empresa mixta internacional: Biopower S.A.
In 2012, UK-based Havana Energy entered into a joint venture with the Cuban state-run Zerus SA to build five biomass power plants in Cuba – marking the biggest joint venture between Cuba and a British company in almost half a century, and the first notable renewable energy contract between Cuba and a British company. The joint venture, Biopower S.A., will generate power from bagasse at sugar mills throughout Cuba. Valued at a total of $250m, the power plants are expected to produce 32 MW each. The pilot project at the Ciro Redondo sugar mill is expected to break ground in late 2016. This session will explore the ins and outs of the working relationship between the JV partners and, as other international investors circle Cuba, explore lessons learned.
AZCUBA/Grupo Azucarero (Cuba Sugar Industry) Director of Power Generation
The Tourism Industry & Energy: Investment Opportunities
La industria turística y la energía: oportunidades de inversión
This session, led by the Ministry of Tourism, will explore opportunities for the deployment of renewables and energy efficiency programs in Cuban hotels and resorts as investment ramps up in the Cuban hospitality industry.