Green Strategies
Founder & President
Roger Ballentine is the Founder and President of Green Strategies, Inc.
He advises and represents businesses, associations, government agencies
and non-profit entities on domestic and international public policy
issues and business strategies, focusing on energy, environmental and
conservation matters.
He was a senior member of the White House staff, serving President Bill
Clinton as Chairman of the White House Climate Change Task Force and as
Deputy Assistant to the President for Environmental Initiatives. In these
capacities, he directed the Administration’s efforts on climate change,
represented the President in numerous international meetings and
negotiations, participated at the highest levels in the development and
implementation of energy, clean air and other environmental policy, and
advised the President on federal lands and coastal protection policies.
Prior to being named Deputy Assistant to the President, he was Special
Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs, where he focused on
energy and environment issues.
Ballentine served as Senior Advisor for Energy and Environmental Policy
with the John Kerry for President and Kerry-Edwards Campaigns. Prior to
his White House and presidential campaign roles, he was a partner at the
Washington law firm of Patton, Boggs L.L.P. and Adjunct Professor of Law
at the Georgetown University Law Center. He has served as Special Counsel
to the Democratic Leadership in the House of Representatives, and he has
published a number of articles and opinion pieces in nationally
recognized publications and been a frequent television and radio guest
Ballentine is a graduate of the University of Connecticut and the Harvard
Law School, and is a member of the Connecticut, District of Columbia, and
the United States Supreme Court bars. He serves on the Boards of the
American Council for Renewable Energy, the American Bird Conservancy, the
Biomass Energy Resource Center, the Solar Electric Light Fund, and the
Keystone Energy Board. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Progressive
Policy Institute in Washington D.C., where he works to develop cutting
edge, third way approaches to public policy challenges in the areas of
energy, conservation and the environment.