Plans to rehabilitate the road networks of Antigua and Barbuda, and Dominica are underway via funding from the United Kingdom Caribbean Infrastructure Partnership Fund (UKCIF). A grant for US$245,000 was approved by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), to conduct a feasibility study of of road networks in both countries. In Antigua and Barbuda this includes the rehabilitation of 49.2 miles of roads and in Dominica, the rehabilitation of the Loubiere to Bagatelle road. The study will consider the capacity of existing road networks to accommodate increasing traffic flows and provide an assessment which will be used to inform infrastructure investments. Andrew Dupigny, head of infrastructure partnerships at CDB, explained: “The road networks of Antigua and Barbuda, and Dominica, play a fundamental role in the promotion of inclusive growth and sustainable development.” Funds are being provided through the UKCIF; technical assistance as an intervention is consistent with the CDB’s strategic objective of promoting broad-based economic growth and inclusive social development.
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