The Island Resilience Action Challenge (IRAC) is a year-round initiative launched in 2018 to build consensus around hurdles to grid resilience on islands, identify real-world, actionable solutions, and then: act on them.
The focal points of IRAC are two semi-annual gatherings of the market at which 100 senior island policy-makers, utilities, regulators, financiers, developers and service providers gather to:
The resulting Task Force is supported by quarterly Task Force workshops, and ongoing engagement with participants throughout the year.
IRAC is a high-visibility initiative with a substantial presence online and on social media. The online IRAC news hub features Task Force updates and broader updates on resilience projects in the Caribbean. Regular social media updates feature our Task Force and our partners in equal measure.
To view highlights from the 2019 IRAC annual meeting, take a look here.
For an update on the 2019-20 Task Force, check out the progress report on the Virgin website, here.
To see what the 2020 Task Force has its sights set on, head over here.
March 24 | IRAC at the 5th Caribbean Infrastructure Forum (CARIF)
Sponsors were featured as part of the IRAC presence at CARIF 2021, the largest gathering of the Caribbean infrastructure market on the annual calendar. IRAC-focused sessions consisted of a ministerial level discussion on the value of a resilience metric system, followed by a community workshopping session. Did our Task Force hit Milestone 1? We found out at CARIF.
June 30 | Mid-Year Summit (2nd milestone)
IRAC Task Force presentation with invited guests and breakout sessions to highlight progress on first two quarterly milestones, raise awareness and further greater engagement of island leaders committed to greater resilience and more prosperous island communities.
October 27 | IRAC at the 2021 Caribbean Renewable Energy Forum (CREF)
All sights are set on Milestone 3! Sponsors will be featured as part of IRAC at CREF, the largest annual gathering of the Caribbean clean energy market on the annual calendar. IRAC has always featured prominently at CREF, and this year will be no different.