David Layzell

Canadian Energy Systems Analysis Research (CESAR) Initiative, University of Calgary | The Transition Accelerator
Professor & Director | Energy Systems Architect

David Layzell is a University of Calgary Professor and the Energy Systems Architect for the Transition Accelerator, a non-profit focused on the net-zero energy system transition in Canada. His research uses analytical and modeling tools to explore how existing or new technology, business model, policy or social innovations could transform or disrupt the systems that Canadians use for societal provisioning. His work has been instrumental in identifying the opportunity and transition pathways for Canada to deploy a vibrant hydrogen economy based on the production, use and export of hydrogen made from both low carbon electricity sources and fossil fuels coupled to carbon capture and geological storage.
Before assisting in the launch of the Transition Accelerator in 2019, and starting the Canadian Energy System Analysis Research (CESAR) Initiative at the U of C in 2013, Layzell was Executive Director of the Institute for Sustainable Energy, Environment and Economy (ISEEE) at the U of C (2008-12), and the Executive Director of BIOCAP Canada, a research foundation focused on biological solutions to climate change (1998-2008). As a Professor at Queen’s University between 1981 and 2008, he also founded a scientific instrumentation company called Qubit Systems Inc. and was elected ‘Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada’ (FRSC) for his research contributions.