Dominican Republic to facilitate wind and solar energy investments

The Dominican Republic has reopened requests for provisional concessions for wind and solar energy projects, “with the hope of revitalising investment in this sector”, said the National Energy Commission (NEC). 

Ángel Canó, NEC’s Executive Director, has stated that 2019 is a promising year for renewable energies in the Dominican Republic, “considering the interest over the last few months we received from national and foreign investors looking to develop electricity generation projects from renewable sources”.

This announcement comes a few weeks after the country’s launch of its Climate Action plan with NDC partnership. Increased investment in the country’s renewable energy sector is not only of benefit; it will also help the Dominican Republic’s goals for clean and renewable and lowered carbon emissions following the Paris Agreement.

Over USD 200 million were invested in the Dominican Republic’s renewable energy sector in 2018, including towards the Montecristi Solar PV park, and the Larimar II wind energy project.

Various wind energy parks are set to open in the first quarter of this year, and further wind and solar projects are still under development.

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