“With myriad conference invitations hitting my inbox weekly, CREF is the one conference we always attend. It is relevant, dynamic and attracts the diversity of the region. It is a “must do” on my calendar every year.” Robert L Blenker, President & CEO, WRB Energy
CREF was launched in 2009 to gather governments, utilities, multilaterals and investors to explore opportunities to ramp up investment in clean energy across the Caribbean. The need – for information, for meetings, for dialog, for transparency in the market – was clear. Since then, CREF – and the market – hasn’t looked back.
Today, CREF has more than doubled in size. Over 500 delegates from 50 countries participated in CREF 2018. 120 speakers across multiple tracks, case-studies and workshops contributed their expertise and experience. Governments and utilities from over 20 Caribbean jurisdictions attended. Over 50 sponsors, exhibitors and partners joined the roster of CREF supporters in 2018. CREF has become, very simply, the place where the Caribbean energy market meets.
CREF 2019 has joined Climate Neutral Now, a UN Climate Change Secretariat initiative representing a global community of organizations committed to taking action to make our global society climate neutral by the second half of the 21st century. In signing the Climate Neutral Now Pledge, New Energy Events has committed to measure, reduce and compensate the greenhouse gas emissions related to CREF 2019. More information regarding our pledge is available here.
Learn more about CREF 2019 by downloading the brochure.
Want to see who attends? Contact us for the CREF 2018 Attendee List.
Mission-Aligned and Supporting Regional Objectives
The pre-day at CREF on October 16 supports a full day of stakeholder meetings. In 2019, we are working with a multitude of partners including the CDB, the IDB and the OAS on a rich array of workshops and side meetings, including the Island Resiliency Action Challenge, the E-Mobility Roadmap Workshop and the Women in Energy Breakfast (Oct 18). This alignment is critical as we map out the next generation of resilient energy infrastructure for the Caribbean.
Online Meeting Platform for CREF Delegates
CREF features a dedicated networking app and platform. A closed community which features all CREF participants, the platform enables CREF attendees to create an individual profile, view all attendees, and request meetings. Attending a conference is an investment of both time and resources; attend CREF and arrive in Miami with the meetings you need to see a return on that investment.
CREF Industry Awards
Working alongside a committee of regional and industry leaders, we recognize annually those individuals and organizations who are transitioning the region to clean and resilient energy. Many award winners are first-movers, forging a path for project development in the region. We announced eight award winners in 2018.
CREF-Castalia Renewable Island Index & Project Database
All attendees to CREF have access to the annual CREF-Castalia Renewable Island Index & Project Database. The Index measures the readiness of each island nation to develop and implement renewable energy projects. The Marketplace is an extraordinary detailed database of renewable projects – both distributed and utility scale – in various stages of development.
Contact us if you would like to see a snapshot of the 2018 Index.
CREF-Clean Horizon Energy Storage Project Database & Map
In a first for the region, CREF 2018 featured the presentation by leading storage consultants, Clean Horizon, of an interactive regional database and map detailing storage projects across the Caribbean in all stages of build and execution.
Contact us if you would like to see the 2018 energy storage presentation.
Market Intelligence: At CREF – & Throughout the Year
As a CREF delegate you have access to our twice monthly newsletter featuring news and intelligence on the Caribbean clean energy and energy storage markets. You also have access to the range of complimentary webinars we host throughout the year. Subscribe to our newsletter (it’s free) here.
CREF 2019 commits to the United Nations Climate Neutral Now Pledge
CREF 2019 has joined Climate Neutral Now, a UN Climate Change Secretariat initiative representing a global community of organizations committed to taking action to make our global society climate neutral by the second half of the 21st century. In signing the Climate Neutral Now Pledge, New Energy Events has committed to measure, reduce and compensate the greenhouse gas emissions related to CREF 2019. Learn more about our pledge here.