Case study on gender-responsive geothermal sector in El Salvador

A report published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Global Gender Office highlights the positive impacts of LaGeo’s strategies surrounding gender equality and development goals.

LaGeo is a geothermal energy utility in El Salvador. Through its management structures, institutional policies and use of corporate social responsibility, it has increased its company’s gender equality and women’s empowerment.

These initiatives have helped demonstrate the benefits of geothermal energy in regards to environmental sustainability. Furthermore, the profile of geothermal energy as an area of employment is a positive one, with positive impacts on business outcomes.

The report included a list of key take-aways and recommendations, which included the benefits of including and sharing with neighboring communities, which “reduces or eliminates potential social conflicts”, and the important of integrating national gender equality laws and principles. It also added: “By developing gender-responsive corporate social responsibility activities, utilities can generate transformative outcomes, effectively reducing gender gaps and contributing to healthier and more resilient local economies.
