Barbados to launch biofuels program

Demonstrating its commitment to investing in the Blue Economy, Barbados has announced the launch of a biofuel drive, to come on stream this year. Barbados National Oil Company Limited (BNOCL) Renewable Energy Officer and Advisor to the Minister of the Blue Economy, Mark Hill, made the announcement at a display of the Aquamarine harvester, recently purchased by the Government of Barbados to aid in the fight against the sargassum seaweed which, as he explained, began in 2018. 

Hill said that the focus on sargassum seaweed had been on innovation and industry, which included harvesting the seaweed in order to use it for value-added purposes.

Expanding further, the advisor stated that the harvested seaweed would be used to help innovate industries and not discarded as garbage. He also announced the launch of a biofuel drive, which would come on stream this year through a partnership between the Ministry of the Blue Economy and the BNOCL.

“In the renewable energy space, the Ministry of Blue Economy would play a critical role in helping to provide that substrate for these types of biofuels.”
