Solar Water-Heater Market Hot For Exploitation

Confidence is growing for the solar water-heating market among authorities and researchers in the Caribbean region. According to Dr. Xavier Lemaire, senior research associate at the University College London (UCL) Energy Institute, the opportunities inherent to the region are based on high levels of insolation and urbanization and will require authorities to establish a proper regulatory framework for development of the industry. Insolation refers to the amount of sunlight a location gets per day. Rural communities with high levels of insolation, that predominantly use electricity to heat water, will likely see considerable long-term savings by switching to solar technology.

Policy support from both Government and regulators will necessarily come in the form of accreditation for products and licensing for companies. Lemaire explained the importance of regulation from early-stage market development. Until last year, the Jamaican Government was accepting RFPs for the provision of renewable energy to national grid and provided tax incentives for solar batteries.

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