Solar PV coming to Guayanese State House

Guyana awarded a tender to Swiss-based meeco Group to install a 43 kWp solar PV system on the State House in Georgetown. The Ministry of the Presidency will be equipped with a state of the art 43 kWp solar rooftop system which will be synchronised with the grid. Through a joint venture, OurSun Guyana will manage the project.

Within the scope of several tenders, as issued by the Government of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, meeco will install a sun2live solar rooftop solution on the State House in the capital Georgetown. The system will produce more than 54,000 kWh of clean and sustainable energy per year and therefore ensure up to 35,000 kilograms of CO2 savings annually. By supplying the excess energy not needed for internal consumption directly to the grid, the State House contributes to foster the expansion of a sustainable national energy supply.
