Haiti publishes RFQ for grid modernisation and expansion

Haiti’s National Regulation Authority for Energy (ANARSE) has published its third RFQ in collaboration with Energy Cell MTPTC and EDH and with the support of USAID.

This request for quotation (RFQ) concerns the country’s North East Grid. The grid will cover 10 cities and currently has 24,000 active customers and should power more than 55,000 customers.

The duration of the concession will be for 20 years, and it’s expected that the selected operator would rehabilitate existing thermal power plants.

Two solar power plants for a total capacity of 12 MW will be built by the Government with support of development partners, with further details provided in the RFQ document.

The deadline for submission is October 30th.

The current reform initiative of ANARSE has three main objectives:

  • Increase access to electricity in rural areas through the development of mini-grids.
  • A modernization of the regional networks currently managed by EDH through the transfer to the private sector of the operation of certain networks.
  • The increase of production capacity in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince from independent power generation projects by private operators. The metropolitan network of Port-au-Prince will continue to be operated by EDH.

