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Details & Pricing

Places at the Summit are very limited and attendance is strictly by invitation only. The organizers are working closely with the Government of Cuba to ensure that those places are occupied by qualified investors and companies.
Follow the link to Register and you will be asked to complete a brief questionnaire. We will inform you within one working day if your request has been accepted. You will then have one working day to submit payment for registration.

The registration fee for the Summit is US$2,495.00. This fee is payable to IJGlobal, headquartered in London.

Payment details will be provided to accepted participants.

Registration includes:
• access to all sessions
• admission to all networking events, including coffee breaks, lunches, and the cocktail reception
• the ability to make one-on-one meetings with Cuban counterparts
• site visit to solar installation outside Havana
Substantial discounts are available for governments and NGOs. Please contact Justine Porter at for more information.
Please follow the link to Register to submit your application.

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