Pall Life Sciences
Senior Global Manufacturing Technology & Facilities Manager
Eng. Ismael Solís, Jr., Pall Life Sciences Global Manufacturing Technology Manager, most recently Senior Facilities Manager, is managing more than $10MM in new projects with 2 Game-Changers to their manufacturing operation in Fajardo including a Tri-Cogeneration System. The Tri-Cogeneration System objective is to produce the electrical needs of one of the three buildings and reusing the thermal energy for an absorption Chiller that will produce 373 tons of refrigeration to their site.
In Mr. Solís career he has more than 10 years in Manufacturing Operations and 10 years in Research & Development experience, supporting economical local competitiveness of the manufacturing operation in the global market. He has introduced more than $40MM in new products, project management support of $40MM in capital investment, and $15MM in cost reductions.
He holds a Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineer, a Master Degree in Engineering Management with concentration in Manufacturing (World Class Manufacturing), Certified Green Belt on Six Sigma, Certified Design Control/Validation Professional, Certified Maintenance Reliability Professional (CMRP) and a Certified Reliability Leader (CRL).
One of his passion is the support to the Economic Development of Puerto Rico where during a period of three years he supported INTECO (Iniciativa Tecnológica Centro Oriental) specifically as a key member in the development of the Incubation Process with INOVA the current Caguas Incubator, with the objective of the Economic Development Accelerator of new business of the region.