Warren Dewhurst

Geothermal Resources Council
Director of the Board

Accomplished scientist, engineer, and entrepreneur. Senior executive with over thirty-five years of experience in business management, technology, science, and engineering. Founded several international companies.  Over twenty years of experience in the Russian and European geophysical and technical environments. Former Chief Geophysicist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Coast and Geodetic Survey: won numerous professional awards for achievement and sustained superior performance. Author of over forty scientific articles and monographs. Served on numerous professional and international committees. Specialist in potential-field and electromagnetic methods, and the simultaneous inversion of multiple data sets. Research interests include the application of Bayesian statistical methods for the nonlinear inversion of geophysical data over tectonic spreading centers, hot spots, and geothermal features.

Professional Experience (Selected)

2000–Present. Founder, CEO; Dewhurst Group, LLC and predecessor companies; Germantown, MD.

1995–2000. Co-founder, Director, and Chairman, Nevanor Telekom, AS, Norway and Full Cry-Neva, JSC, St. Petersburg, Russia.

1992–1995. Director, Geophysical Technology Transfer Initiative (GTTI), St. Petersburg, Russia and Washington, D.C., US Department of Commerce, NOAA.

1975–1995. Geophysicist, Commissioned Officer, NOAA


Ph.D., Geophysics. Colorado School of Mines, Golden Colorado, 1988. Dissertation: The Simultaneous Inversion of Vector and Total Field Aeromagnetic Data Using Bayesian Inference a Case Study from the Cobb Offset of the Juan de Fuca Ridge.

MME, Mechanical Engineering (concentration on signal processing). Catholic University of America, Washington DC, 1984.

Registered Professional Engineer by Examination. Commonwealth of Virginia and Washington D.C., 1980.

BS, Geophysics. Colorado School of Mines, Golden Colorado, 1975.