Dr. Phil White

Technical Consultant to the Caribbean Development Bank

Career History:

2012 – present Panda Geoscience Ltd Director and Principal Geologist

1999 – 2012 Sinclair Knight Merz Senior Geologist

1993 – 1999 Kingston Morrison Ltd Senior Geologist / Petrologist

1991 – 1993 (part time 1992-93) NZ Geological Survey Geologist

1987 – 1993 (part time 1991-93) KRTA Ltd Geologist / Petrologist

Fields of Special Competence: Phil has over 30 years’ experience in geothermal and mineral exploration and development. Phil’s particular skills are in:

• Management of geothermal exploration and drilling

• Geothermal science, including geology, well siting, well logging, petrology, geochemical sampling, well testing, environmental monitoring and resource assessment

• Geological mapping (both regional and detailed)

• Mineral exploration, including field mapping, core logging, petrology, and resource evaluation

• Training and technology transfer He has presented training courses to exploration scientists in New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, France, the Philippines, Indonesia, Chile, Guatemala and Nicaragua.

He has authored 5 refereed scientific papers and two published geological maps, and given more than 10 presentations at scientific conferences. He can communicate at a basic level in both Spanish and Indonesian. Phil has field experience at geothermal and mineral projects in New Zealand, Australia, Chile, Cuba, Fiji, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Kenya, Montserrat, Nicaragua, Papua New Guinea and Romania, and has completed laboratory and desk-top studies of many others.