GCP Globo
Manuel Belmar studied Engineering at University Veiga de Almeida-RJ with a post-graduation in Finance at IBMEC – RJ and Management at Insead – Fontainebleu. He started his professional career at Banco Real and in 1987 joined Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, from Italy, when he was Commercial Director. In 2003 joined Globo Group, the biggest media conglomerate in Latin America, as Treasurer of Infoglobo Comunicações, the Newspaper business of the Globo Organizations. Later, became its Chief Financial Officer. In 2009, he was appointed as Chief Financial Officer of Globosat, the payTV programming arm of Globo. More recently, Globo consolidated all its operations in Globo Comunicações and Manuel Belmar became its CFO. Globo Comunicações is the resulting entity of a major integration process within the Globo group and includes all business related do content production, free to air, pay tv, streaming and all digital businesses.