Carole Sanz-Paris

IDB Invest
Head of Debt Capital Markets & Structured Finance

Carole Sanz-Paris is leading the Debt Capital Markets and Structured Finance Team at IDB Invest. Her team structures innovative transactions to help private clients access the debt capital markets to finance initiatives with positive development impact and mobilize private capital. Carole is an international senior professional with over 23 years’ experience in sustainable finance and global capital markets gained at IDB Invest, top tier Investment Banks JPMorgan and Deutsche Bank as well as the rating agency Moody’s Investors services. She has been responsible for the structuring, executing and placing of many complex financing structures. Carole holds an Executive MBA de Oxford Said (United Kingdom), a MSc in polymers from Cranfield University (United Kingdom) and Mechanical Engineering degree from the Université de Technologie de Compiègne (France).