Nicolas D. Allien

Ministry of Public Works Transportation and Communication, Haiti
Head of Energy Cell

Nicolas D. Allien is an Energy Specialist with over twelve years of experience in energy access, clean energy technologies, energy regulation, planning and operation. In his current role, as Head of the Energy Unit of Haiti’s Ministry of Public Works, he leads a team to implement a portfolio of projects and operations including the “Renewable Energy for All Project” and “Modern Energy Services for All Project” financed by the Climate Investment Fund via the World Bank and other operations financed by Interamerican Development Bank and USAID. These operations supports expansion of access to clean energy services for households, public institutions, and productive uses of energy. Under his leadership and with support from the World Bank, the team launched Haiti’s first tender for private sector-led mini grids and the first bottom-up mini grid program, PHARES. In coordination with the electricity regulator, the national utility, and other development partners, he also contributes to development and implementation of Haiti’s national electrification strategy and ensures that the projects continuously align with Government strategy. He holds a B.S. in Electromechanical Engineering from the College of Science of the State University of Haiti and a M.S. in Energy Systems from Northeastern University and a Graduate Certificate in Engineering Leadership from the Gordon Engineering Leadership Program of the same university. He is a Fulbright Alumni and a Gordon Fellow.