Tuesday, April 26, 2022 – Pre-CREF Session 1:30 pm – 5:30 pm

Ready for the 2022 Island Resilience Action Challenge (IRAC)?

New Energy Events and Advanced Energy Group launched IRAC to build consensus around hurdles to grid resilience in the Caribbean, and to identify and act on real-world, actionable solutions. Annually, island policy-makers, utilities, regulators, financiers, developers and manufacturers now gather at IRAC to:

  • Collaboratively identify the most critical regional resilience challenges
  • Identify a solution and move on immediate action to accomplish within 12 months
  • Leverage the Action Challenge into a collaborative, accountable, 12 month Task Force
  • Ultimately effect change

CREF 2022 will again be the home to this unique, hands-on workshop to continue this critical work. Island stakeholders will collaboratively triage the most pressing challenges facing the region, brainstorm and pitch solutions, and work to find consensus on an immediate action plan for one breakthrough resolution.

  • Francine Baron, CEO, Climate Resilience Execution Agency for Dominica (CREAD)
  • Kathyann Belle, Director of Utility Regulation, Fair Trading Commission, Government of Barbados
  • Daniel Best, Director of the Projects Department, Caribbean Development Bank
  • H.E. Brian Challenger, Chief Technical Adviser (Civil Aviation), Ministry of Public Utilities, Civil Aviation, Transport and Energy, Antigua and Barbuda
  • Hon. Dr. Vince Henderson, Minister for Planning, Economic Development, Climate Resilience, Sustainable Development, and Renewable Energy, Commonwealth of Dominica 
  • Bruce Levy, CEO and President, BMR Energy
  • H.G. Chissell, CEO, Advanced Energy Group, moderator 

Closing Remarks: 

  • Dorothée Roy, Alternate Director for Canada, Caribbean Development Bank 

Take a look at what previous IRAC Task Forces are up to:

How to Register

The Resilience Action Challenge will take place before the CREF main event at the JW Marriott Marquis on April 26 between 1:30 – 5:30 pm. It is an optional, additional registration item. It is complimentary for all senior Caribbean government and utility executives who should contact us to receive a code to apply to the online registration for 2022. For all other attendees, the incremental fee to attend the Resilience Action Challenge is $475. You will be provided with the option to register for it when you register for CREF.

Sponsor IRAC 2022

The Action Challenge Sponsorship includes significant brand visibility and the chance to help shape the IRAC discussion and results.

Sponsorship gives you the unique opportunity to serve as a Breakout Solution Group Leader. Your group will consist of leading Caribbean stakeholders (which can include government officials, regulators, investors, funders, and utilities). Together, you will collaborate on the development of a solution to the winning challenge at IRAC 2022. You will then present your group’s plan to the entire IRAC audience. You’ll be recognized in the IRAC Agenda, and your company will be showcased via brand promotion on the website, platform, and social media channels.

Sponsorships are limited in number. To learn more, please contact Jennifer Lavenhar, Director of Client Solutions, at jlavenhar@newenergyevents.com

Co-Hosted with:                                                                                                 



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