Ministry of Public Works, Transportation and Communication | Haiti
Senior Energy Official
Nicolas Darius Allien has been involved in the Haitian energy sector in various capacities for more than eight years. After an internship at the electric utility, EDH, he joined the Bureau of Mines and Energy in February 2008, where he worked primarily on promoting the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency. In 2011, he received a Fulbright scholarship to study at Northeastern University. While studying in Boston, he worked on the development of a non-rotating wind energy generator that has undergone performance tests in the MIT wind tunnel. At the end of his studies in August 2013, he returned to Haiti and joined the Office of the Minister Delegate in charge of Energy Security. There he worked on promoting renewable energy, and energy data management. He is currently working as a Senior Energy Specialist at the Energy Cell of the Ministry of Public Works, Transportation and Communications (MTPTC). As such, he contributed in the development and supervision of renewable energy projects carried out by MTPTC. Mr. Allien is also an adjunct professor at the State University of Haiti and Quisqueya University where he teaches courses related to physics and energy. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Electromechanical Engineering from the College of Science of the State University of Haiti. He also holds a Masters’ degree in Energy Systems from Northeastern University and a Graduate Certificate in Engineering Leadership from the Gordon Engineering Leadership Program of the same university.