Derek Ramsamooj

Carbon Footprint ACP

Derek Ramsamooj is a political analyst and consultant with extensive experience in market research in the Caribbean. Derek is a familiar face and voice in Caribbean politics, widely respected as an objective and detached commentator who takes the pulse of Caribbean peoples’ concerns.

He has over 25 years’ experience as a pollster, having worked in almost every CARICOM nation over his career. This gives him in-depth insight into the values and concerns of citizens in the region. 

He recently helped develop and execute Suriname’s international conference for nations with High Forestation and Low Deforestation (HFLD) in 2019. This culminated in ratification by twenty nations, of a declaration to the United Nations on the need to make climate finance more accessible to developing nations struggling to balance debt and climate concerns against the demands of human development. 

Recognizing that climate change and its impacts on vulnerable people would become a key political and economic concern, he founded Carbon Footprint ACP Ltd in 2012 with a vision to assist Caribbean governments and institutions to build more climate-resilient policies into their operations.