Arnaud van Dijk

Director, IMPACT | Deputy Head of ESG for KPMG Islands Group

Arnaud van Dijk is a Director (ESG) and the Deputy Head of ESG for KPMG Islands Group, with more than 17 years of international sustainable finance and corporate sustainability experience. He has delivered a broad range of ESG and impact services to leading financial institutions (banks, insurance companies and asset owners), companies and governments.

Arnaud has a master’s degree in Business and Society Management (Sustainability), and is also a certified responsible investment professional (RIPC) with the Responsible Investment Association (RIA) in Canada.

Professional and industry experience

Arnaud has been working with financial institutions on strategically and practically addressing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks and opportunities in their business strategy and operations, financing and investing activities, and reporting and disclosures.

His experience includes leading and supporting clients in the following areas, among others:

— Sustainability and impact strategy: large organizations with the development of their sustainability business strategy, objectives, and implementation roadmaps

— Sustainable finance: feasibility, design and implementation of impact focused financing instruments, including debt (social, green and sustainability bonds) and equity (impact funds)

— Climate: organization-wide climate strategy and ambition setting, climate investment strategy for large asset owners, integration into insurance underwriting processes, corporate climate risk assessment, expectations towards asset managers, training and awareness

— Technology: technology driven and academically backed tooling to measure the environmental and societal impacts of investment portfolios

— ESG due diligence: scoping, coordinating and managing ESG due diligence in private equity acquisitions across sectors and geographies

— Reporting and disclosures: sustainability and impact reporting advisory and assurance services, including on organizational capacity and readiness as well as integrated and standalone reporting, framework alignment, climate disclosures

In addition, Arnaud also advises corporate clients in various capacities on sustainability risk management, impact measurement, ethics governance and business codes of conduct, integrated reporting, internal audit, and assurance training.

Arnaud has extensive knowledge of and hands-on experience with international sustainability and assurance guidelines and standards such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), UN Principles for Responsible Banking, UN Principles for Responsible Investment, UN Principles for Sustainable Insurance, Taskforce Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), IFC operating principles for impact investing, Principles for positive impact finance, IFC performance standards, GRI, <IR> Framework, SASB, GHG protocol, various ISO standards, ISAE3000 and 3410, and AA1000 Series.