RL Legal and Consulting Services
Attorney at Law
Ramon-Luis Nieves (born in San Juan, 1975) is a former state senator for the District of San Juan, Puerto Rico, former Vice President of a financial institution, and an attorney for almost two decades. B.A. Sociology (1996); J.D. (2000), University of P.R.
During his tenure in the Senate (2013-2016), he served as Chairman of the Committee on Energy of the Senate of Puerto Rico, and the Committee on Banking, Insurance, and Telecommunications. Nieves championed energy reform (Act No. 57-2014, sponsored by then Senate President Eduardo Bhatia), which created the Puerto Rico Energy Commission, as well as new mandates for PREPA and the energy sector. He sponsored Act No. 22-2016, which reformed and/or eliminated energy subsidies; included legislative mandates in Act No. 4-2016 to prohibit political intervention in PREPA (procurement, employees, fundraising) and; sponsored Act No. 133-2016 to facilitate net metering, and authorize microgrids and community-shared solar in Puerto Rico. Nieves was also member of the special committee of the Senate to investigate corrupt fuel purchase practices at PREPA.
Nieves currently practices law in the state and federal courts of Puerto Rico (RL Legal & Consulting Services, LLC). He is a frequent commentator on energy issues.