Sandra Barba Lizarralde

Enel Green Power
Business Development Brazil - Green Hydrogen and Energy Storage Systems

Sandra is passionate about the power of renewables and energy transition to create value for local communities and to fight climate change. She is a Chemical Engineer with a Master’s Degree in Environmental Management, has experience in both the Latin American and Italian contexts, and currently leads the development of Green Hydrogen projects and Energy Storage Systems in Brazil.

Since joining Enel in 2014, she has led the permitting process in Colombia, pioneering national environmental and social licensing for renewables. For two years, she supported the Group´s CEO Office at the headquarters in Italy, dealing with the organizational complexity and the relationship networks with different regions and global business lines of the Company.

Before joining Enel, Sandra worked as a Regulatory Analyst at the Colombian Energy and Gas Commission (CREG) in the structuring of the energy regulatory framework in off-grid zones (ZNI). And prior to that, she was a Climate Change Consultant at the Colombian Ministry of Mines and Energy, leading the implementation plan of the Colombian Low Carbon Development Strategy, focused on energy.