Suzana Kahn

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) | COPPE - Engineering Graduate School at UFRJ | IPCC- International Panel on Climate Change
Professor | Vice Director | Lead Coordinate Author

Graduated in Mechanical Engineering, MSc in Energy Planning Program and DSc in Industrial Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1995).

She was Sub Secretary of Green Economy of Rio de Janeiro State Government from 2010- 2013 and she also worked at the Brazilian Federal Government as the National Secretary of Climate Change at the Ministry of Environment from 2008-2010. From 2008 to 2015, she took part of IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change board, as Vice President of Working Group III.

She has published several papers and theses in the area of transport planning, sustainable mobility, energy planning, biofuels, environment and climate change.
More recently she has been involved in the topic of sustainable and smart cities.
As president of Scientific Committee of Brazilian Panel on Climate Change she has organized 3 assessment report on climate change and 3 special reports.

As coordinator of the Federal University Green Fund she has implemented sustainable initiatives at the university campus related to solar energy, smart grid and sustainable mobility.