French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
Public Affairs Manager for Hydrogen Technologies
Dr. Laurent Antoni is Public Affairs manager for hydrogen technologies at CEA Liten.
He started his career as a senior scientist on material sciences at Mittal Group (Arcelor). In 2003, he joined the CEA, a Public Research Institute with a mandate to develop metallic bipolar plates for fuel cells. Before his current position, he has been Head of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Laboratory and Division Manager to develop battery and fuel cell technologies for transportation.
Laurent Antoni is since 2016 President of Hydrogen Europe Research, the European research association on hydrogen and fuel cells gathering more than 100 universities and research institutes, member of the Governing Board of the European Clan Hydrogen Joint Undertaking.
He is also President of the Technical Committee of Fuel Cells at the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC/TC105) and a national representative in different working groups of international organizations (IEA Advanced Fuel Cells, IEA Hydrogen TCP, International Partnership for Hydrogen and fuels cells in the Economy – IPHE).
He contributes to several peer reviewed books and publications.