The World Bank
Senior Energy Specialist
Laura Berman is an Energy Specialist in the Energy and Extractives Global Practice of the World Bank. She has worked throughout the Latin America and Caribbean region on the implementation of energy projects. Her expertise covers a number of key topics in the energy field including geothermal resource development, rehabilitating electricity distribution systems, designing policies and regulations for renewable energy and energy efficiency, and expanding energy access. She is currently managing the World Bank’s Chile technical TA for Sustainable Geothermal Development Project and co-managing the Mexico Opportunities for Geothermal Development Technical Assistance activity. She is also the co-author of several recent publications on global approaches to geothermal resource development and risk mitigation. Furthermore, she has been the World Bank’s focal point for the past three GEOLAC events.
Prior to the World Bank Ms. Berman was a Senior Analyst at Castalia Strategic Advisors where she managed energy sector projects for clients such as utilities, Governments, and international development institutions. This included assisting the Government with the development of the geothermal legal and regulatory framework in Grenada as well as supporting clients with renewable energy planning, legislation, and assessing the viability of energy investments.
Ms. Berman holds a Masters in International Energy Management and Policy from Columbia University, New York, and a Degree in International Economics and International Relations from Wheaton College in the United States.