GeothermEx (SLB)
President, GeothermEx (SLB)
Ann Robertson-Tait is the President of GeothermEx, a consultancy that has worked exclusively in the geothermal sector for the past 50 years. Ann has worked on hundreds of geothermal projects in more than 40 countries, working on projects that have led to 7 GW of geothermal power. Her geoscientific work focuses on integrated analyses of multi-disciplinary data sets to quantify resource capacity, identify drilling targets, optimize resource sustainability, and reduce project risks. She actively promotes the visibility and value of geothermal energy’s wide spectrum of utilization options, providing input to energy policy, informing electricity providers and customers about geothermal energy, and increasing awareness and funding for the only major renewable source of clean 24/7 power. Because geothermal energy “partners well” with other technologies and renewable energy sources, Ann is currently focusing on hybrid geothermal solutions, creating new synergies that multiply the green benefits of individual technologies and advancing the wholesale energy transformation underway today. Ann completed an MSc in Geology at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, supported by a Fulbright Scholarship. Currently the Global Chair of Women in Geothermal (WING), she is an active member of the Geothermal Rising Policy Committee and was honored to join the Committee on Earth Resources at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine in 2021. She continues to relentlessly promote geothermal energy in all its useful and environmentally friendly forms.