Dominican Republic
Superintendent of Electricity
Mr. Velazco holds an MBA from the Université du Quebec a Montreal (UQUAM). He is also a graduate of the American Language Program at Columbia University and Changing the Game: Negotiation & Competitive Decision Making from Harvard Business School. Graduated from the Ultimad Technical Maintenance and Operation course applied to Distribution assets taught by CIER. Currently serves as the Superintendent of Electricity of the Dominican Republic. Mr. Velazco is also a Member of the Board of Directors of the Commission for Regional Energy Integration (CECACIER) based in Costa Rica.
His previous professional experiences also include:
• Transcontinental Capital Corporation, LTD (Seaboard) were he was a founder and directed the Commercial Department of this North American generating company.
• Superintendency of Electricity of the Dominican Republic where he developed the Department of the Wholesale Electricity Market.
• Founder and a Member of the Board of Directors of the Coordinating Body of the National Interconnected Electric System of the Dominican Republic.
• Director of the Commercial Department for Smith-Enron Generating Company (San Felipe). As part of the Enron group, Mr. Velazco also collaborated with Compañía de Luz y Fuerza Eléctrica (CALIFE) in Venezuela and Compañía Generadora Puerto Quetzal Power in Guatemala.
• Director of Regulation and Rates Department for the Southern Distribution Company (EDESUR) and Northern Distribution Company (EDENORTE) of the Dominican Republic.
• Developed and directed the Commercial Department for the Punta Cana Macao Energy Consortium (CEPM).