The Commonwealth of The Bahamas
Prime Minister & Minister of Finance
The Hon. Philip Edward Davis was sworn in on 17th September 2021 as the fifth Prime Minister of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas, and soon after as Minister of Finance.
Following a snap general election, Mr. Davis led his Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) to a landslide victory, securing 32 out of 39 seats in the House of Assembly.
Mr. Davis was first elected as Member of Parliament in 1991. Since 2002, he has represented the constituency of Cat Island, Rum Cay & San Salvador. From 2002-2007, he was appointed to Chair the National Insurance Board, where he implemented a number of major reforms.
In 2009, Mr. Davis was elected Deputy Leader of the PLP. When the party regained power in 2012, he was appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Works and Urban Development. His portfolio included everything relating to the physical infrastructure of The Bahamas. He also held Cabinet responsibility for Bahamasair, the national airline, The Bahamas Electricity Corporation, and The Water & Sewerage Corporation.
In May 2017, Mr. Davis was elected Leader of the Progressive Liberal Party, and served as Leader of The Opposition until his election victory in 2021. As the longest-serving member of parliament, he is also recognised as the Father of The House.
Before entering parliament, Mr. Davis built an outstanding international career as a highly-acclaimed corporate and human rights lawyer. He was called to the Bahamas Bar in 1975, where he served two terms as Vice-President and one as President of the Bahamas Bar Council. A former Member of the Council of Legal Education for CARICOM, in 2015 he was appointed Queen’s Counsel.
In 1970 Mr. Davis became a member of Toastmaster Club 1600, a non-profit organisation established to develop leadership skills through listening, thinking and speaking. He served as President in 1979, and as Division Governor of Toastmasters for The Bahamas in 1989.
A keen sportsman, interested in baseball, softball, swimming and athletics, Mr. Davis served as Vice-President of the Bahamas Swim Federation from 1986 to 1990, and was President of the Sea Bees Swim Club from 1980 to 1990.
Philip Davis was born on born 7th June 1951.