Charlin Bodley

Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE)
Sustainable Energy Project Development and Gender Expert

Ms Charlin Bodley is the Sustainable Energy Project Development and Gender Expert, with the Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE), where her work contributes to the transformation of the energy sector across CARICOM Member States. She is primarily responsible for the establishment and operation of the CCREEE Project Preparation Facility (PPF). Charlin has worked as an Energy Specialist with the Government of Saint Lucia and a consultant in the area of Sustainable Energy at a regional level. Pairing energy with other passions she is also engaged in mainstreaming gender into all the Centre’s work, ensuring that gender and youth responsive programmes are implemented as a critical contribution to the centre’s operations. Charlin remains passionate about empowering women to participate in the transition of the energy sector in the Caribbean. A certified project manager, she has also served as Programme Manager for the Women in Renewable Energy Network (WIRE), managed by a collaboration between the Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI) and Caribbean Electric Utility Services (CARILEC), and to date remains a proud member of WIRE. Charlin holds a Master of Engineering (MEng) degree in Energy and Environmental Management from
the University of Flensburg, Germany; a post-graduate diploma in Geothermal Project Management and Financing from the United Nations University, Iceland, and a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Environmental Engineering from Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico.